This cake is truly decadent and made with only 5 ingredients. It is chocolaty, rich, moist, and absolutely delicious. I top it off with an easy 2-ingredient...
This chocolate cake is very easy to make and even easier to eat! Chocolate cake mix, chocolate pudding, chocolate chips and sour cream make this cake extremely...
This is an impressive cake that tastes good all by itself even without the raspberry filling. I made it for my mother-in-law for Mother's Day and she was...
This recipe has been passed down through the family for many generations. It is the only chocolate cake recipe I use anymore. The cake is nice and moist...
A delicate sponge and rich chocolate buttercream make this Christmas Yule log cake as delicious to eat as it is pretty to look at! Add optional decorations,...
When I was a kid, my grandma made this dessert at every holiday and it always seemed like there was never enough it! It has 4 layers of awesomeness, including...
This is a delectable combination of flavors, perfect for when figs are in season. The chocolate sponge is light but flavorful, thanks to the yogurt and...
I came up with this as an alternative to bring the same banana pudding to a family gathering when the kids were wanting chocolate cake. Every time I make...
This is my favorite chocolate cake ever. Given to me by a friend as a 'get well' cake, I've managed to coerce him into giving me the recipe. So good it...
I have seen recipes for bunny cakes, but none that are made without coconut. So I put new spin on an old tradition and started a new tradition out of imagination...
You can use any chocolate cake or brownie recipe for this graveyard cake and it is a guaranteed hit for your halloween party or while kids are getting...
Flourless chocolate cake is a crumbly and dense classic everyone loves. This version gets subtle coffee flavor from espresso powder used in the batter...
Let spring in with's White Chocolate Cake with Lemon Cream Recipe, the perfect mix of smooth white chocolate and zesty lemon cream. Head...